“Standing in the cool ocean, the breeze on my bare skin, while the world slept and a photographer by my side. Soaking up every moment as the sun rose, standing proud in my own skin, in all my imperfections and my authenticity. That was my photoshoot with Kellie Blinco, it was – empowering.”

Mandy | In the Boudoir

"Body image is always something I have struggled with especially after having two kids but I wanted to get a bit out of my comfort zone and feel more comfortable and sexy with who I am and especially to show hubby as he always think I look amazing, even in trackies."

"Kellie made me feel absolutely amazing on the day! I felt so comfortable and I was amazed at how I came out of my shell and felt like I could bring out my sexy side."

"I’d want other people considering a shoot to know, just relax and feel like empowered. Know how amazing the pictures will look and the self confidence that come after that will feel amazing."

"Doing the shoot definitely brought out a more sexy side of me and definitely gave me a lot more confidence."

Emily | In the Boudoir


At first I felt incredibly awkward but as the shoot went on my confidence built. Kellie was amazing at making me feel safe and building my confidence as well as making me feel beautiful.

Seeing the images, I was amazed and in shock at how incredible they turned out. I spent the rest of the day with the biggest smile on my face, I just couldn’t believe how good I looked, it definitely made me see myself in a different light and that I am actually not so bad after all.

I hate most pictures of myself but I am so excited to share these. I feel that even with my scars and my imperfections I am still beautiful and my body isn’t something that I need to be ashamed of anymore!

If you get a chance to do a boudoir shoot 100% recommend you give it a go. It’s by far one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Jodi | In the Boudoir

I'm a 38 year old mum of three young girls, a wife and a part time receptionist. As a lot of us beautiful ladies do, I always do things for my family before I d0 something nice for myself.

I had wanted to do a boudoir shoot for roughly 3 years. It was something that I thought I wouldn’t be able to make “come together”. With choosing some sexy lingerie, finding the time and actually having the confidence to do it!

I did the shoot for a confidence boost and to get some beautiful images that I can keep and be proud of forever. A lot of women have something that they sometimes aren’t happy with to do with their image. Mine was that I’m an A cup bra size.

The day beforehand and the day of the shoot I was so excited. No one knew I did the shoot until my images were printed and ready. I kept it a big secret! Booking the shoot was when I was the most nervous. You just have to do it though, because its an amazing experience!!

The day was amazing! Kellie and her hair and makeup team were so welcoming. They made me feel at ease and comfortable from the very start of the day. You are never too “old”to have a shoot. Kellie listened to my concerns and was very encouraging. Do it – its empowering and you will feel amazing.

Taryn | Wild Woman Portrait


Standing in the cool ocean, the breeze on my bare skin, while the world slept and a photographer by my side.

Soaking up every moment as the sun rose, standing proud in my own skin, in all my imperfections and my authenticity. That was my photoshoot with Kellie Blinco, it was – empowering.

Not once did I feel nervous, the whole experience was so much fun and something I’ll never forget. I left Kellie with a feeling of euphoria and confidence that I hadn’t felt in such a long time . That was before I had even seen any of my photos which absolutely blew me away. That beautiful, strong women in the photos, that was me and I’m so proud. Thank you Kellie.

Juanita | In the Boudoir

Every birthday (I use that purely as a reminder) I try to do something that challenges me and gets me out of my comfort zone. I strongly believe getting out of our comfort zones helps us to grow as individuals. I’ve gotten tattoos, done bungee jumping, skydiving, had dinner in Paris and a heap of other things and doing a boudoir shoot had been on my list for decades purely because like many women I’ve always had self esteem issues and I knew it would force me out of my comfort zone big time. So this year my (40th) birthday came and went and I used all the usual excuses not to do it. I’ve put on weight, I have no time, I don’t have the money etc. Then I lost some family members and it really hits home how short life is so I booked in to do the shoot and although excuses came up everyday in my head as reasons to cancel I ignored that little voice.

So the morning of the shoot arrived and I wanted to vomit driving into the studio. I knew this was important for me to do so I tried to remain positive. I was still nervous and shaking for half the shoot but I made the clear decision to trust Kellie completely and listen to all her suggestions and directives. Putting all my trust into Kellie’s hands meant my inner mean girl had no say whatsoever. I loved having my hair and makeup done as it’s not something I do very often and I actually wasn’t too self conscious during the shoot either because I had made that earlier decision and more importantly Kellie makes you feel so at ease that it’s not hard to let go and so I was able to enjoy the experience.

I think this is an experience that every woman out there should have. I would say to anyone wishing they were brave enough to do it to stop listening to the negative Nancy inside their head just long enough to book a session. Then continue to ignore her leading up to the shoot every time she wants to cancel or says you’re too ugly to be photographed and just decide to take a leap of faith and do it. It’s a cliche but it’s such an empowering experience. You really do just need to let someone else see you for the beautiful woman you are so she can show you what she sees.

I left the shoot feeling confident, beautiful and feminine. Not three words I’ve often associated with myself. Since then I’ve definitely felt more secure and empowered so much so that I care less about how I’m perceived by others. I’m wearing what I want to wear and not wearing what I don’t, I’m using makeup more when before I felt too silly to do so. I’m speaking my mind when before I’d worry about what people would think of me. Basically I feel more at ease being true to myself instead of changing to accommodate the expectations of society or friends and family.

Miss V | In the Boudoir

I was gifted a boudoir shoot with Kellie for my 30th birthday.

I was quite nervous about it and had no idea what to expect of the process but Kellie is so skilled at making you look and feel good that I relaxed straight away.

The shoot was so much fun and time flew. She guided me through the whole thing and I felt really comfortable in her presence.

I absolutely adore my photos. Kellie is a genius with light and shadows!

I absolutely recommend her if you want to feel good in your own skin.

Asha | In the Boudoir

After admiring Kellie’s stunning photography online for a few years, I finally had my photo shoot with her.

I was so nervous and thought about cancelling so many times. I was worried about my weight, and my lack of confidence in myself.

But as soon as I got to Kellies beautiful studio, her calming, down to earth, beautiful energy had me feeling safe and at ease. I felt pampered and beautiful having my hair and make up done.

Then the shoot was SO MUCH FUN!! All nerves went out the window!

Kellie was so great and patient with teaching me how to pose, I loved the session and my photos turned out so beautifully!! What an amazing experience!

Miss X | In the Boudoir

Kellie has an amazing home studio combined with her warm, friendly and professional attitude makes you feel comfortable and right at home. I’m an awkward person and her instructions ensured I got quality photos that I am genuinely happy with. I would highly recommend Feather & Sage Portrait

Tam | In the Boudoir

Before the shoot I was not feeling very confident and not feeling particularly good about myself.

On the day Kellie and the hair and make-up girls made me feel very welcome and comfortable. They styled my hair and make-up perfectly and I felt amazing!

During the shoot I felt self conscious about certain things that I don’t love about myself (my smile especially) but Kellie made such a huge effort to encourage me and make me feel comfortable and good about myself!

Definitely give it a go, it will give you a big confidence boost and you will not be disappointed!

Stephanie | In the Boudoir

"Kellie made me feel totally at ease, and she guided me throughout the whole process, so it was super easy and fun! If you’ve ever thought about getting a photo shoot, go for it, you will love it and have pics to treasure forever!"

Jodie | In the Boudoir

I turned 50 last July and thought what a magical way to celebrate my 50 year life journey.

Everyday is a battle but as a woman that’s just life at its best and worst so we are life warriors and if we don’t accept ourselves how do we expect others too ? We need to love ourselves and not put ourselves second we are first as if we do not look after ourselves how can we look after others ?

I think the entire shoot was a beautiful thing from start to finish getting to meet the beautiful young lady doing my hair and make up and Kellie is an amazing woman, amazing photographer and is a master at her craft creating beautiful moments that are documented to have and keep for yourself to remind yourself how beautiful you really are ?

Fear will get no where except regret, if you don’t do a shoot because of fear body concerns then how will you embrace who you really are and all women are beautiful and deserve to feel beautiful as natural as they are a bit of glamour is always fun and to bring out your inner beauty don’t let fear stop you.

I was Overwhelmed and so happy when I saw my images. they show how I am and how I honestly feel from the inside to the outside.

Ladies please don’t hold back and do not do the shoot for anyone else other than yourself it’s ok to love yourself as you are and to treat your self to such beautiful memories is a definite bucket list must and Kellie is the perfect soul to help you achieve this don’t leave yourself open to regret. Regretting that you did not seize the moment to embrace and celebrate who you truly are.

Roz | In the Boudoir

Last year, the thought of turning 50 this year and not being happy with myself, I decided to work on me! I lost 10 kilos and have put me first a bit more than I would have before. I wanted to celebrate turning 50 instead of dreading it and this shoot is part of my celebration. My hubby and I have also been married 25 years this year so Im hoping to drag him back for a couples shoot too.

I couldn’t believe how nervous but excited I was before the shoot. Kellie and Karly made me feel so welcome and special as soon as stepped through the door. I really felt like this was a celebration of me. It was such a special day.

Its more than just a photoshoot .Its the experience of the day plus the everlasting memories you have to remember YOU. Its more than just a photoshoot .Its the experience of the day plus the everlasting memories you have to remember YOU

When I saw my images, I was blown away. Kellie captured me beautifully.I even asked her not to edit out my wrinkles. Never thought Id say that.

Karlee | In the Boudoir

I was very nervous leading up to the shoot, even though I knew I had no reason to be. I did fear that I wouldn’t be very good in front of the camera – as thats what i’ve seen in photos taken by myself or family.

During the shoot though, I had the photos shown to me as we progressed. The way I looked surprised me, in a good way! During the shoot I felt very relaxed, comfortable, and like i was doing a good job at modelling. I was laughing and confident.

I would say if you are thinking of doing a shoot, Do it! I have a ton of very beautiful photos to keep forever that my boyfriend cherishes, and displays in his room now. They are elegant enough to show others, reminds you of what you can be and is great for those wanting a safe and nurturing first experience.

When I saw my photos, I thought that I’ve never looked more beautiful! That can’t be me, and my hair looks awesome!

Cathy | In the Boudoir

I’d thought about doing the shoot for more than 2 years before I did it!

I was bullied by my teachers in high school. I didn’t feel supported by people that I looked up to. Luckily I could rely on my peers but it really wasn’t a nice experience in my life.

I feel the society has too many rules and expectations to women. But at the end of the day “looking good” is still the most important criteria we need to fulfill. The trend on social media that everyone is showing their perfect sides, are definitely negatively impacting women on their own body images as well.

Kellie was really nice and patient. She showed me how to pose and I became more comfortable quickly.

Miss S | In the Boudoir

 I decided to do a shoot, as I wanted to document a life diversion.

I never realised how much my body loved me and all the while I just wanted to be ‘skinny’. I didn’t thank my body enough but now after seeing how tough she is, man, I respect her and I want to look after her as much as she looks after me.

Before the shoot, I felt Nervousness, anxiety, excitement and fear of the unknown

If you are thinking about a shoot, you should know the studio has beautiful light and Kellie’s beautiful nature.


When I saw my photos, I was Shocked – in a good way. I didn’t realise I had the bone structure I do. Kellie captures lots of different emotions and the photos highlight this.

It’s important to live in the moment and to laugh at yourself. Get out of your comfort zone. You’ll be amazed at what happens

Miss Z | In the Boudoir

I am a mother, now empty nester, navigating the world as an older single woman, having fun and living life on my terms. 

The shoot was a present to myself for the milestone of having survived the first year of separation and freedom from an abusive relationship.

I was terrified (Leading up to the shoot). The photos I had seen of other woman that had done this shoot were just beautiful. But the idea of me being photographed in lingerie was intimidating.

Kellie made me feel very comfortable, and I felt very special having had my hair and make up done. I felt truly beautiful.

It was a big fear and I faced it head on. It was very empowering and fun.

I couldn’t believe they were me, when I saw my photos. I cried. They were absolutely beautiful. And they were all me.

I am so happy with the results and love the photos. When life throws me curveballs I look at these photos and realise I have already been to hell and back and survived. I can do this!

Symoune | In the Boudoir

Kellie is such a beautiful person and such an amazing and talented photographer. I am so glad she’s the first person I’ve done a boudoir shoot with. She truly made my first shoot such a remarkable and memorable experience. You can really see how passionate she is about taking beautiful portraits of gorgeous people and it will reflect in the photos you’ll receive.”

Doing the shoot with Kellie definitely empowered me and made me love myself more. I highly recommend Feather and Sage.

From the moment I stepped into her studio, she made me feel really special. She also gave me the confidence boost I’ve needed to really enjoy the shoot. She was really patient and she delivered her instructions well. She made me see and appreciate a side of me I’ve never seen before. For the first time, I actually appreciated myself for who I am. I felt beautiful. 

Ara | In the Boudoir

For a while I have been trying to expand my business and had engaged with some business mentors.

The biggest advice that they had was to be the face of my business, not hide behind models, be “out there” I put this off for a long time as there never seemed to be a right time. I was always waiting until I lost weight or looked better. One day I was scrolling through Instagram when I came across Kellie’s beautiful milk bath photos and contacted her immediately.

From the first contact Kellie was so supportive and reassuring. I knew I wanted to work with her, not to mention her photos were exquisite. We booked a session.

I arrived to the studio and was welcomed by a light box which had “Welcome Ara and Smile on it which of course prompted me to immediately do so.

Then Kellie met me at the door. She was so warm and I immediately felt at ease. We talked through my vision while we waited for the hair and makeup ladies to arrive. The thing I loved the most was that Kellie listened. She listened about my insecurities and reassured me every step of the way.

She was an expert at guiding my posing to maximise the shots and minimise my areas of concern. Kellie was so very genuine I never thought to myself “I bet she says that to everyone” it felt very sincere. I knew I was going to love the photos but was not prepared for how much so.

My viewing was just as easy going as my shoot. I was given so much time to choose and I never felt obliged to purchase or pressured in any way. Of course I wanted them all. I am now proud to be the face of my business thanks to Kellie. My advise is to not wait for the perfect time, embrace yourself as you are, recognise your beauty. If you can’t recognise it for yourself Kellie will help you see it. 

Abby | In the Boudoir

I always wanted to do a shoot but always feel that I’m too fat to look pretty on photos, especially having to be in lingerie only.

Through this shoot, I wanted to force myself to go out of my comfort zone and learn how to appreciate myself more the way I am.  Kellie helped me so much during the shoot. She made me feel comfortable and relaxed and provided me guidance and direction on how to pose. She’s so easy going and her warm vibe made me feel more relaxed and I knew I could trust her to make me look pretty.

After the Shoot, I feel like my confidence multiplied by 10 and I felt incredible. Its like finding self love and self acceptance in a room full of self doubt. I feel so empowered and rewarded that I’ve faced my fear and successfully challenged myself to let go and step out of my comfort zone.

Yes yes a thousand times yes I would recommend a boudoir shoot. It’s not uncommon for women to feel hatred towards themselves at some point of their lives and by doing this photoshoot, it will help them realise that everyone can feel beautiful in their own skin. I couldn’t recognise the confident girl in the images when I saw them and I was so happy to realise that the ugly duckling, me, is the same swan I was staring at.

Growing up in an Asian society and being an asian girl has always pressured me to conform to the Asian beauty stereotype; being skinny with fair skin. I always hear how fat I am and how I need to lose weight from both of my parents. Unfortunately, having PCOS and being a diabetic carrier don’t help me lose weight, instead I gained lots of kgs after taking contraceptive pills to regulate my period and hormones. Because of this I’ve always felt that I’m never gonna be pretty enough because I’m never gonna be skinny. This photoshoot has made realised that beauty is not equal to being skinny. And it’s okay to be different and away from stereotypes. Because beauty comes out when you feel confident and love yourself.

Jaiden | In the Boudoir

The support by Kellie though this process was absolutely amazing! Any question or doubt I had, Kellie always answered it with ease. The shoot was an experience i will never forget.

Kellie took the time to talk to me and find out who i was, as well as coach me though how to pose. She was patient enough to constantly repeat herself and to deal with my nervous fits of giggles. I never felt rushed or that there was a schedule. I honestly can not describe the happiness and pride I constantly felt as Kellie took a picture and her face would light up with joy at each shot! – this alone built my confidence up as the day progressed.

I didn’t want to leave! Taking my pictures home was just as exciting as my photo shoot! I took them to the gym so the people who have seen and experienced my drastic change could look and celebrate with me. I had these photos spread across my pool table, trying to pick what one would be the cover to my display box. Looking at these pictures empowers me on my low days, and builds me higher on my highest of days. I am so proud of each shot. some I fully appreciate now! some I know I will appreciate more as time passes. But each one is a celebration and that warms my heart.

I would highly recommend a boudoir experience to everyone! It is an experience that assists you personally with learning to love yourself in the body you have. In the madness of life we forget to look in the mirror and appreciate the woman looking back at us. we don’t see how our eyes have a spark, or how we have dimples when we smile. we look in the mirror and see the dark circles under our eyes and the wrinkles on our forehead.

A boudoir experience allows you to look at yourself in a new light, though a new lens. You – just for a moment, see the true beauty in yourself. These photos have now become, my social media profile pictures, my phone and computer screen saves and have their own special home looking at me every day at the end of my bed.

It has even been a though of something to do again in my life to have a compassion of my life in photos. Kellie, I can not thank you enough, for this experience! It makes me so proud every time you use my images for anything! you will always be my first recommendation to anyone who remotely mentions having this experience to me!

Lydia | In the Boudoir

I have received many negative comments about how I’ve looked and my whole life and I’ve hated my body and appearance. Doing the shoot was a very spur of the moment decision, I thought it would be a great opportunity to try and build some confidence.

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel any nerves however I did feel curious as to how the experience would go and I wasn’t sure whether I’d be awkward in front of the camera. During the shoot, I felt completely at ease and that is testament to how great Kellie is at directing the shoot. I had so much fun!

When I saw my images, I couldn’t and still can’t believe that it is me in the photos!

The shoot made me realise that what we see in the mirror, is not what others perceive us to be. Every woman is beautiful, no matter what flaws we pick out of ourselves.

Jocelyn | In the Boudoir

Wow what can I say! I walked into the studio feeling absolutely terrified! But within minutes Kellie had me feeling relaxed and excited about the photo shoot.

Throughout the whole shoot she was such a calming presence. When I went back in to look at the photos I was absolutely gobsmacked! I knew her work was fantastic but seeing my pictures was such an amazing experience. Kellie made me look absolutely amazing!

I had the shoot done as a surprise wedding present for my husband and he absolutely loved the pictures too! I would highly recommend Kellie to anyone thinking about doing a boudoir shoot. I am so glad I did it, I now have stunning photos that my husband an I can enjoy forever! Thank you Kellie

Ria | In the Boudoir

 I wanted to give boudoir a go because I feel more at ease about myself having passed the 30 mark, I’ve accepted myself for what I am and don’t feel as pressured to look a certain way .

The experience was better than what I expected I felt very comfortable. Kellie was brilliant she made me feel at ease straight away and knows what she’s doing when it comes to coaching. I was so happy with them (the photos) and shocked I could look that good

Stephanie | In the Boudoir

From the first moment of contact with Kellie, I was welcomed with nothing but support and open arms. Ensuring I knew I was in a safe, judge free environment was one of Kellie’s highest priorities as well as ensuring she captured the beautifulness that she sees in everyone.

Paige Watson Artistry took everything I said into consideration when painting my face. She made me feel as gorgeous on the outside as Kellie made me feel on the inside throughout the photoshoot.

I have never been someone whose been overly confident with my body so doing a boudoir photoshoot was a leap out of my comfort zone. Now – I have found a new found love for my body and who I am as a person. The photographs Kellie captured are truly amazing and loved by all. After the shoot I felt so confident with who I was as a person and the body I was born into.

Cannot thank Kellie enough for the wonderful work she does in empowering women.

Alinta | In the Boudoir

I told myself this year I’d do more ‘things’ and not worry so much (that’s why I did a shoot!)

To be honest I was pretty calm, I had excited nerves, but any doubts about myself I had vanished on the day. During the shoot i felt excitement! I couldn’t wait to see the end results.

Do the shoot – Don’t worry about how you look or worry that your not good enough! Because you are and your going to love the results! When I saw my photo’s O. M. G. Lol! Couldn’t believe it was me!

Alana | In the Boudoir

I initially decided to do a boudoir shoot as a present for my husband to be. However I realised that it was also a present for myself and an experience that was going to help me gain some confidence. Its so important to really see and accept yourself. There’s so much pressure put on women and girls to look a certain way and its easy to lose yourself and get caught up in what you “should” be.

I’ve always struggled with my weight growing up and was always the chubby friend throughout school. My perception of myself is often distorted because of this and I think and feel I’m bigger than what I actually am. As most brides before their wedding I attempted to lose some weight and tone up before my big day and this was probably the first time in a very long time where I looked at myself and actually felt proud of what I had achieved.

Before the Shoot I was a complete mixture of nerves and excitement. Once you’ve had your hair and makeup done you end up feeling so glamourous. After about 5 mins into your shoot, Kellie just manages to put you at such ease you forget your actually there in lingerie or underwear, like its the most natural and normal thing to be doing.

I couldn’t believe that it was actually me in the photos, I think I spent most of the day in shock. It probably took me a few days when I realised it was me, it was something I did… and I look amazing

Amy | In the Boudoir

I was partly nervous and partly excited, but more excited than anything. I’d never done a boudoir photoshoot before and being self conscious I was a bit nervous about that, but Kellie went out of her way to make sure I felt comfortable.

During the Shoot, I felt confident and sexy, which isn’t an everyday occurrence for me! I absolutely loved the photos when I saw them! . It was amazing to see myself in a new way and realising that I actually looked like that!

Having photos like that where you look incredible is bound to make you feel good! Knowing that it is you and you alone looking fantastic in those photos is a huge confidence boost.

If you’re unsure about whether or not to do it, I say go for it! You’ll be wonderfully surprised at the result.”

Pamela | In the Boudoir

I wanted to try anything that would help me feel better about myself, as at the time I truly began hating myself. I couldn’t look at myself without thinking how ugly and fat I was.I began to look through the reviews and thought these girls want the same results as I do. which is to love themselves.

I needed to find a way to help myself and if getting out of my comfort zone was going to do that for me I needed to give myself a chance. I needed this to work otherwise I wouldn’t know what else to do to help myself feel beautiful again. I did expect to be nervous. I expected to be very uncomfortable. I expected Kellie to make some miracle happen, for her to somehow capture me in the same way she had done for all the other beautiful females she had done a shoot for.

I felt completely vulnerable and out of place in my own skin. I was extremely worried that I wouldn’t be able to follow Kellie’s directions and that I would have a nervous breakdown. However Kellie’s instructions were very clear and I slowly felt more comfortable

I had the biggest smile on my face leaving the studio. I straight away called my mum excited to tell her all about the experience. I felt completely different about myself. I felt a sense of accomplishment in getting out of my comfort zone and attempting to help myself with self-love.

I would definitely recommend doing a photo shoot with Kellie. She is one of those rare people you meet in the world with a beautiful and kind soul. I found that the shoot really helped me not to be so hard on myself and that I just needed to see myself for who I really am. It really helps you on the days you feel ugly just to look at the photos and see who you really are.

When I saw my images I was shocked and I almost cried looking through all the pictures I could not contain the big smile on my face. Looking through the photos I truly was able to see myself as beautiful and it hurt thinking how can I see myself in such a negative way, I am beautiful in my own way and each part of me is unique. 

I hid behind my makeup and my extensions. I began to feel sick and had big insecurities due to losing my closest friends. I really needed to get myself out of this sinking feeling that’s why I’m so glad I done the shoot and finding out what kind of people I needed in my life to find myself again.

Shivonne | In the Boudoir

I did the shoot as a confidence booster. I expected it to be a lot scarier than it was. I had so much fun as relaxed so easily. Kellie directed everything which made it so helpful as I’ve never modelled before.

I was so happy and felt amazing after the shoot! I loved my images when I saw them. It was so hard to choose which ones I wanted. I would recommend – Such a confidence booster.

Cat | In the Boudoir

I was really nervous before I arrived. I’d never had someone else take photos of me (especially ones where I was half naked). I actually almost felt embarrassed at first being so exposed to a stranger. Kellie was amazing! The entire time throughout the shoot she made me feel relaxed and not nervous at all. She really is an artist.

I was shocked when I saw the images. I was surrounded by all the photos of me and all I could think of was “damn, that’s way too much me for one room” but at the same time, the photos were incredible and couldn’t believe that it was me I was seeing. The shoot made me feel beautiful and I think that what everyone needs. It showed me that anyone can be made to look absolutely stunning.

Jorjah | In the Boudoir

I wanted a confidence boost. My life had changed significantly over a year and I wanted to see myself in a new light.

Before the shoot, I was feeling Apprehensive and awkward. Kellie was brilliant from the first email. She had insight into how awkward it can be as a non model and made me laugh. I had my set of ideas of how I wanted to portray myself and she made it a reality. The guidance was done with tact and very encouraging.

When I saw my images, I was amazed. I looked like a star, it was exactly how I imagined the Vogue cover would look. The cute “geek chic” were funny and happy pictures. I felt happy and it showed. I could see the better version of me- which was actually me.

Beata | In the Boudoir

I wanted a confidence boost. My life had changed significantly over a year and I wanted to see myself in a new light.

Before the shoot, I was feeling Apprehensive and awkward. Kellie was brilliant from the first email. She had insight into how awkward it can be as a non model and made me laugh. I had my set of ideas of how I wanted to portray myself and she made it a reality. The guidance was done with tact and very encouraging.

When I saw my images, I was amazed. I looked like a star, it was exactly how I imagined the Vogue cover would look. The cute “geek chic” were funny and happy pictures. I felt happy and it showed. I could see the better version of me- which was actually me.

Michelle | In the Boudoir

The thought of having professional photos taken… I was very anxious. For someone who suffers from anxiety and low self esteem being the centre of attention is something I normally steer clear from!

How glad am I for accepting the offer to be photographed by Kellie!! I was very nervous at first and couldn’t stop shaking but it wasn’t long till my nerves calmed and I felt very comfortable. With Kellie’s gentle guidance and encouragement I began to feel quite natural in front of the camera. She walked me through the whole experience.

It is definitely something I won’t forget. When I seen the first image I just couldn’t believe that what I was seeing was myself, I would never of thought I could of taken a photo like that. I felt beautiful! I just couldn’t fault it at all, for someone who usually is quite critical of them self this was a huge confidence boost!! I would definitely recommend to go and get some beauty shots done, let kellie show you your true beauty!! 

Maddy | In the Boudoir

I wanted to give (the shoot) a go just to boost my self esteem really. I wanted to be able to look at myself and feel love for my body instead of always thinking of ways to change it. I thought it would be such an empowering thing to do for myself as a woman and it 100% was.

Before the shoot, I was feeling nervous as I had talked about wanting to do a shoot with little to no editing and something really soft and feminine which is not something I normally go for as I tend to be more of a tomboy.

I loved every second of the shoot. The first few photos taken I wasn’t sure how my body would look and I felt a little self conscious but after the first five minutes that was all gone. I felt so confident in my skin and the coaching and support from Kellie couldn’t have been better. I didn’t have to worry about a thing. I just felt amazing. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face for at least a week afterwards. I just felt so beautiful and happy.

Elly | In the Boudoir

I wanted to give (the shoot) a go just to boost my self esteem really. I wanted to be able to look at myself and feel love for my body instead of always thinking of ways to change it. I thought it would be such an empowering thing to do for myself as a woman and it 100% was.

Before the shoot, I was feeling nervous as I had talked about wanting to do a shoot with little to no editing and something really soft and feminine which is not something I normally go for as I tend to be more of a tomboy.

I loved every second of the shoot. The first few photos taken I wasn’t sure how my body would look and I felt a little self conscious but after the first five minutes that was all gone.

I felt so confident in my skin and the coaching and support from Kellie couldn’t have been better. I didn’t have to worry about a thing. I just felt amazing. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face for at least a week afterwards. I just felt so beautiful and happy.

Melissa | In the Boudoir

I’m approaching 30, my body isn’t the same since having children, my marriage broke down recently and I had gained weight and lost a lot of confidence and self worth.

 I have never been one to view myself poorly so i wanted to do the shoot to remind myself that I’m still me and beautiful.

Kellie was very helpful with helping me to relax and guide me through the process. The studio was amazing, so much better than the pictures, just beautiful! The client wardrobe is massive.

I also loved seeing the photos of other womens shoots on display knowing they too probably had the same nerves and insecurities and their photos were stunning. I was excited to have my own! Just say yes and do it (a shoot), 

Once your in the studio you wont want to leave! I felt grateful to Kellie for capturing me in the way i had envisioned and a confidence boost for sure

Bec | In the Boudoir

From the moment I met Kellie, I knew that I had made the right decision. During our first meeting Kellie showed me her journal of previous shoots and I was amazed at the talent she had in capturing women in moments that would have been at first, terrifying.

After booking the shoot I felt nervous BUT so so excited, it gives you a sense of empowerment. Kellie made me realise this is who I am, this is the (beautiful) body I have and she promised me I would love the outcome, I was prepared, mind and body, the moment I left our first meeting.

I arrived to the shoot with hair unbrushed and not one bit of makeup on and within an hour was completely transformed by Paige, ready to get this show on the road.

Whilst I was getting transformed, Kellie organised my outfits and had them laid out in order of ‘sexiness’ (this gave me the opportunity to feel a little more comfortable with each outfit change), and we begun shooting.

Kellie takes a few shots to make you feel used to the camera and her, within 5 minutes all the nerves were gone and I was confident and began to really enjoy the shoot (and the workout you get from posing), by the end we were just laughing and I felt like I had known her for a lifetime. If you have ever thought about doing a shoot like this, I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart, DO IT.

The best part about this whole experience is the proof you will have for years to come of the courage, confidence and self love you are capable of. Those girls on social media, they all look great because they have amazing people like Kellie photographing them, they feel great about themselves and you can too. I can honestly say I just about died when I walked in and saw the photos and said “how is that even me?!”. I was honestly speechless, but had so much to say. Never ever in my life have I felt so happy with a photo(s), it made me LOVE myself again, that is the best part of the whole experience.”

Jessica | In the Boudoir

I wanted to see myself in another perspective and change how I saw myself. I was expecting it to be a very confronting and overwhelming experience which it was not at all. Kellie made the environment very relaxing and made me feel very comfortable. I felt so beautiful and like I was on top of the world!

I felt like a real woman showing off all of my features that I was once trying so desperately to hide. After the Shoot, It felt like I’d just climbed the biggest mountain and I was staring down at this amazing beautiful view. I felt like I’d achieved something amazing but also relaxed at the same time.

Ever since the shoot I’ve never looked at myself in the same way. I’ve lost any doubt in myself and have just felt so beautiful inside and out. It’s like that shoot was the final puzzle piece to finding my self confidence that I’d been lacking for my whole life!

Kimberley | In the Boudoir

I felt very comfortable during the session, Kellie was constantly ensuring me that I was doing great and her instructions on posing were so easy to follow. I was so nervous in the lead up to viewing the images but as soon as I seen the first one I knew I was going to love them all. I think everyone should try it.

Everyone deserves to feel amazing and to see themselves in a way they might not yet have been able to see.

Michelle | In the Boudoir

I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to do a boudoir session with Kellie. From the moment I walked in the studio for the photos I was at ease, even though I expected to be really anxious.

My hair and make up were done and was made to feel like a supermodel, during the whole session I had the best time and had a great laugh. I wasn’t at my goal or ideal weight which I was concerned about but wow, I can’t believe my photos.

I am more than ecstatic with them and recommend anyone considering doing a boudoir shoot to take the plunge, you won’t regret it. Thanks so much Kellie for all your professionalism, knowledge and skills, your amazing at what you do and as a person.

Paige | Wild Woman Portrait

Kellie gave me the opportunity to go to the place I grew up and the paddock where I used to walk my dog as a child to shoot some incredible photos. I have always been reluctant to get involved with any “boudoir” style shoots at risk of them being too revealing or even appearing as trashy.

Kellie assured me they would be classy and tasteful and they were exactly that. The photos are so soft and delicate and something that I will treasure forever. Kellie made me feel so comfortable and at ease during shooting, even whilst wearing lingerie in the middle of the outdoors. I was able to just be me, my makeup soft and minimal, my tattoos out and the images do show me for me – they are so raw and genuine.

Jess | In the Boudoir

Amazing ! I wasn’t sure what to expect when I walked into the studio and I was feeling very self conscious.

 From the moment the sat down to have my hair and make up done I felt the stress and nerves subside. I felt so comfortable and with Kellie’s coaching tips on posing and her amazing talent to capture such stunning images. I was blown away when I got to see the images my response was “ that’s me”

Thanks Kellie for showing me what others see it came at a much needed time in my life xx 

Casey | In the Boudoir

I was incredibly nervous. I didn’t have a clue what you were supposed to do in a photo shoot. I was certain that the photos wouldn’t come out nice because I never do girly stuff so I just wouldn’t be able to do anything Kellie asked for me to do. Within 10 minutes i had lost all nerves.

Kellie made everything really simple. she made sure i was comfortable the whole time. It was truly just incredible. I would laugh and smile when i felt ridiculous and Kellie would laugh with me and reassure me I was doing well. For something that seemed so scary Kellie really was just amazing and made it a lot of fun. After the shoot, I couldn’t believe what i had just done.

Finishing the shoot and leaving the studio left me for the rest of the day feeling as if I came first in a marathon. There was a grin that just stuck on my face for the rest of the day. I definitely would recommend doing this because it really is so much fun. You come out with the memories and can say “I did that”. and then there is the photo reveal. Really the only bad thing about the whole experience is the fact that your face hurts from smiling so much, especially at the reveal.

Jazz | In the Boudoir

I wanted to experience something new and exciting. I was looking to gain more confidence and self love.

Woman have always been made to feel as they will never be good enough. From a young age, we are brainwashed to always notice our imperfections.  We will always find something to make us feel inadequate.

The world around us paints women in a very unnatural looking light in magazines, so when we look at them, we are forced to feel terrible about our self image.

This to me has been a battle with my own mind, thinking and believing i will never be skinny enough, tall enough, or sexy enough.

Before the shoot I was Nervous, but excited!

Both Kellie and the makeup artist were so lovely, which helped pit my fears at ease.

I would tell others thinking about it – Just do it!  what do you have to lose?  Nothing –  only gain more confidence within your self


When I saw my images, I felt amazing, glamorous and sexy.

Kaila | In the Boudoir

 Kellie is so welcoming and I instantly felt a connection with her on a personal level.

She was amazing with Quin and when he was crawling around the studio Kellie was more than happy to watch him while I changed.

That also made me feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable. For the first time ever I did not feel anxious stepping in front of the camera. It was actually hard to believe how comfortable I did feel.

I was, for the first time in my life, completely accepting of my body and letting my guard down to show all of myself.

Before I had my son I was riddled with anxiety and I did not except my body. Waking up and looking at myself in the mirror was hardest thing I would do each day. 

After going through pregnancy and seeing just what my body could do and learning that my body had to adapt and change dramatically to grow a human I was suddenly in awe of my body and for the first time in my life embraced weight gain, cellulite, stretch marks, pimples, oily hair and everything else that came with it. I learnt that I am so much more than the way I look and that others love me no matter how I look so I should as well.

I love my images!! especially the ones with my boy. I know that in years to come I will look back on them and remember the beautiful experience on having them done and how empowered I felt as a woman afterwards. Seeing my images has reminded me that I am me and I can not be anyone else so why compare myself to others. Every body is different and no body is perfect.


I hope my image and story help others understand that as happy and confident someone may seem on the outside they could be having a battle with themselves on the inside. I have opened up to friends and family in the past about the insecurities I have with my body and the main response I got was “don’t be silly. I wish I had your body”. Those kind of comments do not help and actually can make someone feel even worse about themselves. If someone opens up to you about their struggles offer to listen without judgement and remind them how beautiful they are without making them feel ‘silly’. Or even using the word silly. Tell them the beautiful qualities you see in them and they will start to see them as well.

Rochelle | In the Boudoir

Kellie is the most amazing photographer!

I was so nervous but she made me feel amazing and so comfortable from the moment I walked into her gorgeous studio.

Kellie went above and beyond to accommodate certain issues I had and nothing was too much trouble. I would love family pictures and will definitely be using Feather and Sage for them! x

Emma | In the Boudoir

I felt like I had not a worry in the world I walked with my head held high with confidence thinking wow I could do this everyday. I thought to myself “I loved that why don’t I do these kinda things more often.

I would most definitely recommend this. The feeling of having all the attention just on you just touches something deep down and makes you feel alive again.

Absolutely I loved the photos!. It’s always a massive confidence boost when you see yourself looking so amazing.

Kailyn | In the Boudoir

Growing up, I often received comments about being fat, never received compliments of being pretty or beautiful.

I don’t usually do my hair or apply make up so it was great to be all dolled up. It was a memorable experience.

Great to have photos taken to be reminded of youth, confidence and the beautiful you.

Sophie | In the Boudoir

It was very empowering. Hearing Kellie say words like “beautiful” and “gorgeous” as she was shooting me shocked me at first. But It made me feel so good and happy with myself.

The best experience and I WANT MORE!! It was a very emotional experience.

Seeing myself as Kellie saw me that day was overwhelming and kinda like WTF. But it crushed any self doubt I had in the beginning right on the head.

Photographs are memories! And when we live in such a fast world when everything is so rapidly changing, photographs are the one thing in life that WILL NOT CHANGE. So I think it is very important!